Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Holidays Bullers!

We here at Tuesday Night Bull would like to wish you all the warmest of Holidays! So whether it's a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Crazy Kwanza, or Festivus for the rest of us, we hope it's a good one.

As we are taking the week off for Christmas, there will obviously not be an episode this week, so tune in next week.

Till then,


Johnny Knuckles

Saturday, December 22, 2007

We are officially on iTunes

Good news fellow Bullers! We are officially listed on the iTunes music store podcast directory! Click HERE to subscribe to us. We are aiming to be the best podcast in Orlando, but we can't do it without you!

As always, anyone is welcome to come down for a taping of the show, if you want to be a guest on the show, just send an email to tuesdaynightbull@gmail.com.


Friday, December 21, 2007

Watch the First Episode Here!

How to Subscribe

Ok my friends, while we wait on iTunes to post our podcast on their listings, you might ask yourself "How can I subscribe to the TNB podcast without iTunes?"

Well friends the answer is here. There are plenty of programs out there that enable you to download podcasts and will add them to your iTunes automatically.

My favorite is called iPodder, a small, unobtrusive program that will download the podcasts you love and put them in your iTunes library for you. Piece of cake, right?

Just go to http://ipodder.sourceforge.net/download/index.php to download ipodder. Once it is installed, just start the program, click on add new feed, then paste this feed in to it http://feeds.feedburner.com/TuesdayNightBull Then scan for episodes and it will download it for you and add it to iTunes. Not only that it will download any new episodes that come out and add them to iTunes too. If you have any problems subscribing, just email tuesdaynightbull@gmail.com.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Very First Episode!!!

Ok everyone, after working hard on this idea and pushing our little fetus through our collective birth canals, we are proud to present the first episode of Tuesday night Bull.

Download the video by right-clicking HERE and choose Save As / Save Target As.

If you are having trouble playing the first video above, download this one. It's a little smaller too, so wont take as long. HERE

After a couple of days you will be able to subscribe to the Tuesday Night Bull Video Podcast through iTunes. We will keep you posted. For now you can download and enjoy.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Premier Episode!

Welcome to Tuesday Night Bull, some of you may be wondering, "Just what the hell is Tuesday Night Bull?"

Well my friends, I will tell you. Tuesday Night Bull is a weekly tradition started by none other than Gary Too Far, Ben the Baptist, Alex the Greek and Myself Johnny Knuckles. Since we all work together, and we're all good friends, we spend Tuesday nights in one of our favorite pubs The Bull and Bush near Downtown Orlando.

We've been doing this for a while, and one day it dawned on us that other people might think our particular brand of bullshit was as funny as we found it. We discuss all topics, no subject is off limits, nothing is too off the wall.

We review movies, tell jokes, and generally attempt to offend any random passer by.

This week we welcome our special guest Paul, we eat some cottage pie, which is delicious, drink Guinness, Newcastle, Sam Adams, aparently Blue Moon (thanks for killing the mascuilnity Paul), we review I Am Legend, We tell some jokes, we tell some hillarious sex stories, get perspective from a black man, and finally have a run in with a T-Shirt Ninja.

So join us on Tuesday Nights at the Bull and Bush, check the blog site till the full website us up and running and enjoy yourself.

Tuesday Night Bull, Politically Incorrect, Wildly Inappropriate, and will probably send us all to Hell... but God Damnit, it's fun!

See Ya in the Pit!

Johnny Knuckles and the Tuesday Night Crew