Thursday, January 17, 2008

Episode 4 is Near

Hey there boys and girls! As episode four approaches; and let me tell you, it is easily the best episode to date, we here at Tuesday Night Bull are really excited about the response to our show. Rather than being revolted and afraid, the general response has been overwhelmingly good.

We put alot of love in to the production of this show, but what we need the most is for you, the friends and fans of Tuesday Night Bull to help us out. We are getting hundreds of hits a week on the site to view the newest episodes, and we love it, and we hope it keeps getting bigger and better, but what we need more than anything right now is subscribers to the podcast. If you use iTunes, just go to the iTunes music store and type Tuesday Night Bull in to the search. When we pop up, just click on the subscribe button and there you go.

Second of all, we would love to get your opinions, comments, stories, questions, and love. Send us an email at and submit your best stories, questions, comments, and even ask to be a guest on the show. We are super excited about the response from friends and fans so far, so keep it up and come on out to see us every Tuesday night.

Much Love